Key Concepts & Definitions

To get high quality ground truth data with Scale, your first step is to create a project . Within a project, you will upload data and create tasks , which are pieces of data to be labeled. The tasks can be grouped within different batches to be launched for labeling. Every task will follow the same taxonomy defined at the project level.

Once your data is hosted in a way that Scale can access it, you can use our UI or submit an API call to create tasks. After you have launched a batch of tasks for labeling, the statuses of your tasks will be “pending.”

  • Scale Rapid customers should generally expect to receive calibration batches within a few hours or up to a day and production batches within a few days or up to a week. Note that more complex labeling use cases may take longer. For quicker throughput or questions about turnaround time, feel free to reach out to us on Intercom.

  • Scale Studio customers can control how quickly they receive tasks back since they are leveraging their own annotation team. Studio customers work directly with their own annotators to manage turnaround time and quality.

  • Scale Pro customers should expect to receive these tasks back according to the delivery schedule that we have aligned on with you. We can support extremely high and dynamic volumes customized to your needs.

Once a task has been labeled, you'll see the task status move to be “completed.” The task will now have a JSON response associated with it that you can download via our platform.

Inside the web application, you can download a given task's response, or do a bulk export over a filterable range of tasks. We have APIs to support the programmatic retrieval of tasks given a task ID, or to list all tasks meeting customizable filter criteria. Lastly, we fully support callbacks as tasks are moved to a completed or error status or have other actions taken on them, allowing fully programmatic access to your labeled data.


A task represents an individual unit of work to be done. There's a one-to-one mapping between a task and the data to be labeled. For example, there is one task for each image, video, or piece of text to be labeled and each task will have a unique Scale-generated ID. To create a task using our API, please refer to our API reference .


Within a given project, you can organize similar tasks based on instructions and the use case. All tasks will share the same instructions and annotation rules.

A project is tied to one specific annotation use case, which is associated with a task type in our API reference. You can have multiple projects per use case.

As an example, you could have one project for categorizing scenes, and another for annotating images.

Every task is tied to an explicit project to keep things organized. To create a project using our API, please refer to our API reference.


On Scale Rapid: Within your projects, you can launch batches of data to the Scale workforce to be labeled. There are three types of batches on Rapid (self-label, calibration, and production batches), which you can learn more about here

On Scale Studio: Within your projects, you can launch batches of data to be labeled by your own annotation team. All batches are standard production batches - but you can decide how you want to use them (e.g., label it yourself, use it as an experimental batch with your annotators, use it for large scale production pipelines).

On Scale Pro: For high-volume projects, batches can optionally be used to further divide work inside a project. For example, batches can tie tasks to specific datasets you use internally, or can be used to note which tasks were part of a weekly submission.

To create and launch a batch, you can refer to our API reference.


A taxonomy is a collection of labels and information associated with those labels, which is defined at the project level. We refer to each label as an annotation. Available annotations include box, polygon, point, ellipse, cuboid, event, text response, list selection, tree selection, date, linear scale, and ranking. Within a taxonomy, there can be classes of annotations (i.e. different types of an annotation), global attributes (i.e. information about the whole task) and annotation attributes (i.e. information associated with a specific annotation). We can also create link attributes (i.e. relationships between two annotations).

Example: One use case may involve drawing boxes around all cats and dogs in an image and indicating the total number of cats and dogs in the image. For each cat, we want to indicate if they are sleeping or not sleeping. For each dog, we want to indicate which cat they are looking at (if applicable).

We would create a taxonomy with two classes of box annotations (one for cat and one for dog). Within the cat class, we would define an annotation attribute of “sleeping or not sleeping” so that we can associate each box drawn around a cat with whether or not the cat is sleeping. Within the dog class, we would define a link attribute such that we can relate a dog box with a cat box and indicate a “looking at” relationship. Finally, we would create a global attribute that asks the labeler to indicate the total number of cats and dogs in the image.

Updated about 1 month ago