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Company Updates & Technology Articles

January 17, 2023


Meet Claude: Anthropic’s Rival to ChatGPT

Meet Claude: Anthropic’s Rival to ChatGPT

Meet Claude

Anthropic, an AI startup co-founded by former employees of OpenAI, has quietly begun testing a new, ChatGPT-like AI assistant named Claude. The team at Anthropic was gracious enough to grant us access, and updates to Anthropic’s social media policies mean we can now share some of our early, informal comparison findings between Claude and ChatGPT.

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November 30, 2022


How Much Better is OpenAI’s Newest GPT-3 Model?

How Much Better is OpenAI’s Newest GPT-3 Model?

On November 28th, OpenAI released a new addition to the GPT-3 model family: davinci-003. This latest model builds on InstructGPT, using reinforcement learning with human feedback to better align language models with human instructions. Unlike davinci-002, which uses supervised fine-tuning on human-written demonstrations and highly scored model samples to improve generation quality, davinci-003 is a true reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) model. It is trained with PPO to optimize the generated text’s score against a separate “reward model”, which is trained on rating comparisons by human graders of different model outputs. More details can be found in OpenAI’s model index for researchers. The net result is that davinci-003 is tuned to produce outputs that it thinks would be scored highly by humans. Scale is proud to partner with OpenAI to provide this human feedback.

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