We’ve had an incredible group of people join Scale—and we’re still hiring! We wanted to take a moment to call out the amazing engineering team at Scale:
- Ricky Rauch / Ricky was the first designer and later Head of Design at Auth0. He has designed many developer-focused products including GitLab, JWT.IO, and Passport.js.
- Nate Herman / Nate most recently worked on infrastructure engineering at Dropbox. In the past he built an iOS port of Doom and its associated mods, as well as a popular Pokemon Go automator. He studied computer science at Harvard with a research focus on concurrent computing.
- Steven Hao / Steven graduated from MIT and previously had stints at Jane Street, DE Shaw, and Quora. He received a gold medal at IOI and top honors at programming competitions including Codeforces and ACM-ICPC. His personal projects include the collaborative crossword site Down For A Cross and a web implementation of Set.
- Leigh Marie Braswell / Leigh Marie has previously worked at Google, Jane Street, and Blend with roles in software engineering, machine learning research, and product management. She was recognized as one of the top 10 competitive female mathematicians in the United States by the Math Prize for Girls Competition. She studied computer science at MIT.
- Calvin Huang / Calvin graduated from MIT with a research focus in theorem solving and natural language processing, and with experience at Quora and Google prior to joining Scale. He received two gold medals at IPhO as well as the award for Best Physics Experiment, and was a USAJMO winner. He has been known to build robots.
- Guido Maliandi / Guido previously founded a virtual reality startup for collaborative environments in VR using Unity and three.js. He has led engineering teams at startups for the past nine years and was a major contributor to Microsoft’s Prism library.
- Zhichun Li / Zhichun has previously worked at Lightspeed China Partners, Facebook, Microsoft and Airbnb with roles in investment and software engineering. She is a producer of VC Pulse, a podcast spotlighting venture capitalists in China. Zhichun was the youngest ever admit to the Yale MBA program, and studied computer science at CMU. She has notably been featured on Eminem’s Snapchat story.
- Rilka / Rilka previously led design and frontend engineering at a startup and worked as a full-stack engineer at Dropbox. Along with Nate she built a popular Pokémon Go automator; other past projects include desktop Threes, Facebook Unfriend Finder, and the Quantified Piñata. She studied computer science at Harvard and (briefly) architecture at Parsons.
- Sam Clearman / Sam received a PhD in mathematics studying combinatorial interpretations of quantum immanants. He was previously an engineer at Google working on Google Play Services. He also built a variant of Tetris called 2etris.
- Chiao-Lun Cheng / Chiao received a PhD in computational chemistry from MIT, and has a diverse background in management consulting, quantitative trading, backend engineering, and data science. He has built models for supermarket revenue prediction, bookmaking sports bets, and PCB defect detection, and is intimately familiar with bugs in the Interactive Brokers API.
- Akshat Bubna / Akshat was the first competitor from India to receive a gold medal at the IOI. He previously has worked at DE Shaw and database and fintech startups, and studied computer science and mathematics at MIT.
- Albert Sheu / Albert was the second engineer at Quora and built a Python framework to render webpages on multiple cores, which sped up Quora by up to 10x. He also was the Head of Engineering at Patreon and an early engineer at both Facebook and Twitter.