We’re excited to announce that Spellbook is now fully available for self-serve signups!
Spellbook is Scale’s platform for large language model (LLM) apps. We believe the future of data science and machine learning is people building lightweight applications on top of large language models.
Speed and infrastructure quality is key–how easy is it to create a new LLM app, how fast can teams experiment, and how quickly can they get feedback on whether that experiment is better than a baseline or not? Once those experiments have signs of life, how efficiently can teams fine tune them, hone them with expert feedback, and launch them into production?
I’ll walk through how you can create your own production-ready LLM app in less than 10 minutes. Follow along at https://spellbook.scale.com!
App Creation
As an easy example, let’s get started by creating a new marketing copy generation app that will take an event, size, and demographic, and generate an event description.
Quickly set up your prompt and see how your prompt runs on multiple rows of data.
Evaluate Your LLM App
Make sure your model is outputting good generation with our human evaluation pipeline. Define evaluation criteria on how a human should determine whether your model output is good or bad. Here, we want to ensure our event description is relevant.
You’ll get your results back in the form of a “Hit rate” along with downloadable results you can use to fine tune your model!
Deploying Your App
Once you have a model you’re satisfied with, you can deploy your model to production in one click through our deployments support.
You’ll receive an API endpoint that you can integrate directly into production, with built-in monitoring!
As you improve your LLM apps, you can keep swapping them out in your deployments tab by selecting the most preferable variant. This ensures that once you’ve gotten an endpoint integrated, you don’t have to update your code again.
Try Spellbook
As LLMs become more powerful, the ability to quickly deploy enterprise quality LLM apps to production and quickly iterate based on user feedback is crucial. Try Spellbook today to create your first apps!