We’ve had an incredible group of people join Scale—and we’re still hiring! We wanted to take a moment to follow up on this post and call out the latest team members that have joined the Engineering, Product and Design teams at Scale:
- Catherine Wu / Catherine is a full-stack engineer at Scale working primarily on our infrastructure team. She has previously worked as an engineer at Google and product manager at Yelp. She studied computer science at Princeton University, where she also competed on the synchronized skating team.
- Eugene Fratkin / Prior to Scale, Eugene led R&D for the Cloud division at Cloudera, responsible for the development of managed distributed data processing services in AWS/Azure. Prior to Cloudera, Eugene was a co-founder and VP of R&D at Lifecode – a Sequoia Capital-backed genomic cancer diagnostic start-up. Prior to Lifecode, he was one of the founding members of Greenplum’s machine learning team, which started the MADlib Apache project. Eugene holds a PhD in Machine Learning from Stanford. Eugene also served as an assault team section leader in the United States Marine Corps for missions such as the anti-terrorism quick reaction force within the continental US, and the initial phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
- Gabriel Andretta / Gabriel previously worked at Auth0 with Ricky, Martín and Ramiro, where he rebuilt Lock from scratch and was the lead developer of the browser SDKs. He was a contributor to the sinatra web framework, a coach in the first edition of Clojure Bridge Buenos Aires edition, and built a 2048 clone with almost no mutable state.
- Steven Salka / Steven joined the engineering team at Scale as a product-focused full-stack engineer, working largely on internal applications and the frontend for Scale’s LiDAR tool. Previously, he was the first engineering hire at Podible, and before that built out a UI framework for text-based annotations at x.ai. Steven studied Applied Mathematics at UC Berkeley.
- Ramiro Silveyra d'Avila / Prior to Scale, Ramiro was a software engineer at Auth0 working on the marketing and engineering teams. He loves open source software, especially web tooling. He has contributed to yarn, babel, stylelint, eslint plugins and webpack loaders.
- Michael Woo / Michael is a supply product manager at Scale. After graduating from Harvard in Computer Science, he joined McKinsey & Company as a business analyst. Michael is a former captain of the Harvard Fencing Team and National Junior Team Member for the US National Fencing Team.
- Sara Xiang / Sara is a supply product manager at Scale. She previously worked at Twitter on the Moments team, and at Facebook on the Oculus Developer Technologies and Oculus TV teams. She studied computer science at Carnegie Mellon University.
- Pato Perez / Pato is a full-stack engineer at Scale working primarily on our LiDAR annotation tool. He previously worked as an Android and iOS engineer at other startups. He was the winner of multiple software engineering competitions, including Microsoft Imagine Cup @ Australia.
- Shivaal Roy / Shivaal graduated from Stanford with a B.S. and M.S. in computer science. He founded Stanford's health hackathon, Health++, and was president of SHIFT, Stanford’s health-tech student organization. Prior to Scale, he worked at Google on the Photos Machine Intelligence team, and at Oscar Health.
- Mauro Giamberardino / Mauro is a senior full-stack engineer who previously worked for companies like Globant and Spark Digital. He studied Systems Engineering at Buenos Aires University.
- Martin Cabral / Martin joins Scale as a software engineer with ten years of experience in different positions and companies. His last adventure was as a product manager at Auth0 where he learned to work very closely with customers and understand how they approach products. When he is not working, you can find him gaming (Dota2, CS, Fortnite et al.) or playing real life tennis.
- Nathan Hayflick / Nathan is a frontend engineer at Scale. He joins from Uber, where he worked for 3 years on the Safety Engineering and Develeper Platform teams, and worked at Rockbot before that. He studied Literature at Stanford University.
- Jeff Hilnbrand / Jeff is the Design Manager at Scale. He was most recently a Senior Product Designer at Facebook on the Groups and Payments teams. Prior to that, Jeff founded a design agency called Minimill and worked on design teams at Autodesk and Venmo. Jeff studied product design and engineering at the University of Maryland.
- Andrew Wang / Andrew was a tech lead at Cloudera working on HDFS and cloud-based machine learning platforms for 6 years. He’s one of the biggest contributors to the open-source Apache Hadoop project, served as the release manager for Apache Hadoop 3.0, and is an Apache member. Before that, he was a PhD student in distributed systems at UC Berkeley and studied computer science at the University of Virginia.
- Craig Weiss / Craig joins Scale with experience from Lyft, Snapchat, Facebook, and Google. Craig frequently competed in and won several awards at regional hackathons and competitive programming competitions (including the ACM-ICPC). Craig studied computer science at the University of Maryland.
- Aatish Nayak / Aatish is a supply product manager at Scale, with previous experience at Shield AI, Uber, MongoDB, and Skurt. At ShieldAI he worked on life-saving autonomous robots for special operations and law enforcement use cases. Aatish studied computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and led Autolab, a startup for auto-grading CS homework assignments.
- Ty Wilkins / Ty has worked closely with Scale from the beginning to establish Scale’s branding, icon system, and illustration style. Previously, Ty was an early employee at Robinhood where he created product UI, branding, illustration, and marketing. He has extensive experience in branding, working with clients including Google, Facebook, and Target. Ty has also branded numerous startups including Auth0, Loom, and Orchestra in addition to many open source projects including Celery and JWT. His editorial illustration work has been featured in publications including Monocle, Bloomberg Markets, ESPN Magazine, and Wired UK. Ty holds a B.F.A. in Graphic Design from Auburn University.
- Facundo Pepe / Facundo is a UI Developer in charge of the marketing landing pages at Scale. He previously worked at Infobae, the most popular news media in Argentina and at Aerolab, a digital agency where he and his team won a Martín Fierro Digital award for Best New Application with a betting game for the World Cup. Better known as Turbo because he makes things fast, Facundo loves to deliver pixel perfect projects while working on user interactions that look cool and also perform well.