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Company Updates & Technology Articles

May 1, 2019


Training Data - Quantity is no Panacea

Training Data - Quantity is no Panacea

Deep Learning models have amazing capacity, getting better with more data seemingly without limit. To get a well-functioning model, it is not enough to have large amounts of data, you also need accurate annotations. Although large amounts of data will help the model resolve data inconsistencies between different annotations, humans can still make repeated mistakes that become ingrained in the model.

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April 29, 2019


Scale Engineering, Product and Design Teams

Scale Engineering, Product and Design Teams

We’ve had an incredible group of people join Scale—and we’re still hiring! We wanted to take a moment to follow up on this post and call out the latest team members that have joined the Engineering, Product and Design teams at Scale:

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March 29, 2019


nuScenes by Aptiv ImageNet for Autonomous Vehicles

nuScenes by Aptiv ImageNet for Autonomous Vehicles

Scale AI is pleased to announce the full release of nuScenes by Aptiv —a large-scale open source dataset for autonomous driving. Scale AI was involved as Aptiv's data labeling partner on this initiative. On March 28, 2019, Aptiv announced the full dataset release of nuScenes, an initiative intended to broadly support research into computer vision and autonomous driving by AV innovators and academic researchers to further advance the mobility industry.

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July 31, 2018


Adding a Dimension: Annotating 3d Objects with 2d Data

Adding a Dimension: Annotating 3d Objects with 2d Data

Here at Scale, one of the image annotation services we offer is Cuboid Annotation, which annotates your two-dimensional images with projections of cuboids enclosing objects such as cars, trucks, pedestrians, traffic cones, you name it. With some additional information, we can turn those two-dimensional box annotations into full, three-dimensional boxes, with height, width, depth, rotation, and relative positioning info.

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